Sign Up For Ekofungi
Online class February 21-25.
Onsite class March 2022
Ekofungischool session will be arranged on line and on site due to the well-known circumstances influenced by COVID 19.
We expect that some of the trainees will join us onsite, but also, we will do our best to bring our knowledge and experience using the modern technology. Ursine watsup video call, we organise farm visiting and practical training.
On line program will be transmitted directly from the training site, live.
Beginning of the program: 10 o’clock AM. Will be arranged by ZOOM platform.
We suggest for our trainees who travel in Belgrade, to plan the trip for May 9 and stay until May 16. During this period of time, all costs of boarding, lodging and internal transport are covered by the fee.
We will kindly ask that trainees, who is planning to join us, book the place by transferring participation fee on our online shop or by bank transfer. In that case we will send payment instruction.
Maximal number of the participants, both online and onsite is 6.
In the table on the left, the school program is presented:
To confirm your APPLICATION for ekofungi course please proceed to PAYMENT ACCORDING to the course you picked above:
*application will be considered valid only after completing payment for the selected course
Downpayment option:
**You can make downpayment of 500€ to reserve your spot at Ekofungi 2022. School